Array |
1 | Struct | codePrintHTML | string | 626: <cfoutput> <br>
627: <div class="text-center WorksPerPage"> <br>
<b>628: <cfif sr gt Attributes.ppage></b><br>
629: <cfset br = (sr - Attributes.ppage) /><br>
630: <cfset QryStr = "&ppage=#Attributes.ppage#"> <br>
| codePrintPlain | string | 626: <cfoutput>
627: <div class="text-center WorksPerPage">
628: <cfif sr gt Attributes.ppage>
629: <cfset br = (sr - Attributes.ppage) />
630: <cfset QryStr = "&ppage=#Attributes.ppage#">
| column | | id | | line | | Raw_Trace | string | core.web.artist.artist_detail315.layout_05_r_cfm$ |
| template | string | /core/web/artist/artist-detail/Layout_05_r.cfm |
| type | |
2 | Struct | codePrintHTML | string | 469: CtArtworkShop="#Attributes.CtArtworkShop#"<br>
470: ArtworkShopName="#Attributes.ArtworkShopName#"<br>
<b>471: Go="#Attributes.Go#"></b><br>
472: <cfelse><br>
473: <!--- outside module (This is necessary to protect DavidRichard and Markowicz sites) ---><br>
| codePrintPlain | string | 469: CtArtworkShop="#Attributes.CtArtworkShop#"
470: ArtworkShopName="#Attributes.ArtworkShopName#"
471: Go="#Attributes.Go#">
472: <cfelse>
473: <!--- outside module (This is necessary to protect DavidRichard and Markowicz sites) --->
| column | | id | | line | | Raw_Trace | string | pages.artist_detail_r_cfm945$ |
| template | string | /var/www/html/mappings/CustomTags/Inc/pages/Artist-Detail-r.cfm |
| type | |
3 | Struct | codePrintHTML | string | 53: </cfif><br>
54: <cfif len(attributes.loadFile)><br>
<b>55: <cfinclude template="#attributes.loadFile#"></b><br>
56: <cfelse><br>
57: Page doesn't exists<br>
| codePrintPlain | string | 53: </cfif>
54: <cfif len(attributes.loadFile)>
55: <cfinclude template="#attributes.loadFile#">
56: <cfelse>
57: Page doesn't exists
| column | | id | | line | | Raw_Trace | string | layout_cfm$cf$ |
| template | string | /home/admin/web/artist_solution/Site/layout.cfm |
| type | |
4 | Struct | codePrintHTML | string | 117: </cfif><br>
118: <br>
<b>119: <cfmodule template="layout.cfm" loadFile="#useThisFile#" /></b><br>
| codePrintPlain | string | 117: </cfif>
119: <cfmodule template="layout.cfm" loadFile="#useThisFile#" />
| column | | id | | line | | Raw_Trace | string | artist_detail_cfm315$cf$ |
| template | string | /home/admin/web/artist_solution/Site/Artist-Detail.cfm |
| type | |